Barcelona goes on

4 Jul

It’s not Eivissa yet but I couldn’t resist to post this one. I found it by chance the other day in between the hundreds of odd photos I have in my phone. Isn’t it perfect? And there’s another one coming up that’ll make you dribble as well…super bicycle porn! The other day I took a boat to go to Formentera and the captain let me use the helm and I felt like I was riding a bicycle again. I know, it couldn’t be more unrelated but it’s what I fell. I’m so jelous at people with bicycles right now…I would even use a foldable one (I can’t believe I’m saying that, man am I desperate…)

5 Responses to “Barcelona goes on”

  1. Pedaleando Boy 04/07/2011 at 07:42 #

    Wow…, I thougt it was one of my bikes!!! But no, it isn’t. Mine is not a fixie. A nice bike, indeed!

    • taaniit 04/07/2011 at 07:54 #

      seriously???? your bike is a multicolor wonder??? ooohhhh you should send me a photo, for real?? or ship it to the island?:D

  2. Pedaleando Boy 04/07/2011 at 07:43 #

    oooops! “thougt” ?? lol

    I mean “thought”

  3. Pedaleando Boy 04/07/2011 at 09:21 #

    Oh, nope, i’m afraid it is not a multicolour bike, or not in the same way. My bike (one of them) is an old racing bike with a new handelbar (more confortable, as the one in the picture below), etc.
    The frame is all painted in black, and the rims (the metal part of the wheels) are painted in red and pink XD
    I’ll try to get a picture of it.

    • taaniit 04/07/2011 at 19:53 #

      red and pink…sounds super flashy hehe

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